5 Feb 2021

Christchurch City Council is moving as quickly as it can to redevelop the organics processing plant at Bromley to ensure it does not cause odour issues for nearby residents.

The Council has been issued an abatement notice by Environment Canterbury that gives direction that it must stop the discharge of “offensive and objectionable odour’’ beyond the boundaries of the composting plant in Metro Place, Bromley, by 31 January 2022.

The plant, operated by Living Earth, is where food and green waste collected through the city’s kerbside collection is processed into compost.

It has been identified by Environment Canterbury as a source of ongoing odour issues in the Bromley area. At the end of last year the Council decided it would fully redevelop the facility. Investing about $22 million to upgrade the technology and construct a second processing building so all parts of the composting process happens indoors.

Council Head of Three Waters and Waste Helen Beaumont says the organisation is committed to completing the redevelopment of the plant as soon as possible.

“We know that people have had enough of the odour problems and want the situation resolved. Work is already underway developing the detailed scope of works and user requirements that will form the basis of the tender documentation for the redevelopment project.

“We have engaged a contractor to assist us in completing this work as quickly and efficiently as possible and intend to bring a procurement plan to elected members in March for final approval.

“We have already let the market know that we will soon be seeking tenders for this project and will formally call for expressions of interest this month.

“Once we have a contractor we will be able to determine firm timelines for the project but work will begin this year.

“The speed of implementation will be a criteria that we consider when assessing the tenders as we know this work needs to be done quickly,’’ Ms Beaumont says.