29 May 2024

Recent publicity around the use of artificial grass has raised questions about what can and can’t be done on a berm, the area between the boundary of your home or business and the street.

We asked Stephen Wright, Transport Operations Manager at Christchurch City Council for the lowdown on berm do’s and don’ts.

“Most berms are planted with grass and although legally speaking the land is owned by the  Council, residents are encouraged to maintain it," he says, adding that the great majority of people in Ōtautahi take responsibility for mowing their berm and keeping the area outside their property looking tidy.

“Council will mow a berm if a resident is unable or unwilling to do it, however this will be as part of a city wide mowing programme. Berms will be mowed after the grass reaches a certain height and when the contractor is scheduled to be in the area. Most Christchurch residents prefer to maintain the berm themselves or alternatively arrange for someone else to mow it.”

So, what if a resident wants to do something different with their berm, such as put in a pumpkin patch, grow wildflowers or plant a fruit tree?

“Occasionally, a resident may wish to plant their berm with flowers or vegetables, either to reduce mowing, for beatification or to grow food.  In this instance, they would need to lodge a request with Council and because berms sit within the road corridor there are limitations to be considered, including the presence of underground services and health and safety considerations,” says Mr Wright.

The applicant would also need to take responsibility for ongoing maintenance and either ensure the next owners take over that responsibility or that the berm is returned to grass when the property is sold.

“A process of request would also apply if a resident wanted to replace berms with artificial grass or to cover the surface with material like bark or stones."

If you're thinking of putting up a badminton net or a slide set on your berm, you're out of luck. Christchurch does not permit children’s swings or sports equipment to be placed on berms, while parking a car, boat, trailer or caravan for a prolonged period requires permission to occupy.

"Also, under Council traffic and parking bylaw you're not allowed to stop, stand or park a motor vehicle, wholly or partially, on any part of the road which is laid out as a cultivated area, such as garden or grass berm."