The search is on once again for unique photos that tell the stories of Ōtautahi-Christchurch and Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū-Banks Peninsula.
Christchurch City Libraries' annual Photo Hunt begins on 1 Oct.
The Christchurch Photo Hunt is held alongside the long-running Christchurch Heritage Festival, which opens on 6 October with a jam-packed schedule of events.
The Photo Hunt aims to gather and preserve photographs from across the community, along with the unique stories of their creators. The theme for 2023 is ‘Our Stories of Living and Learning’.
Susan Hanham won last year’s Photo Hunt with a portrait of herself and her sister Catherine during the Commonwealth Games at QEII Park in Christchurch in early 1974.
The nostalgic image shows the sisters pictured next to a water feature in sandals and towelling hats.
Susan recalls the Commonwealth Games being a “really big deal” for Christchurch. Her mother had sewn special clothes in the colours of the Commonwealth Games.
“Mum handled the finances in our family, and she always set money aside in a tin, called the Fun Tin. So, in this instance we got to go to the opening of the Commonwealth Games in our ‘special’ Games outfits.”
Erica Rankin, Acting Head of Libraries and Information, says the hunt aims to highlight the key moments in our city's history.
“We find the Photo Hunt incredibly valuable in preserving these stories for our future generations to learn from and enjoy.”
“We have many stories, from Ngāi Tahu and other iwi, European settlers, Pasifika and people of many ethnic and cultural backgrounds who have made this place home."
Submitted photographs will be showcased on the Discovery Wall at Tūranga, and as part of the permanent heritage collections at Christchurch City Libraries.
How to enter Photo Hunt 2023
By contributing to the libraries’ digital collection during Photo Hunt, you will be in to win Riverside Market vouchers.
The 2023 prizes are:
The hunt will end on 31 October.
Click here for more details on the 2023 Christchurch Photo Hunt.