Calling all book lovers! Treat your shelves this week at the annual Big Bargain Book Sale.
Thousands of great books will be on offer at the annual Big Bargain Book Sale which begins on Friday at Pioneer Recreation and Sport Centre.
“This is such a popular event for the community and we’re excited to be able to bring it back for another year,” says Christchurch City Council Head of Libraries and Information Carolyn Robertson.
The sale is an opportunity for the public to buy books and other material that has outlived its purpose in the library’s collection.
Prices range from 20 cents to $20, with most fiction and non-fiction books available for as low as $3.
“We have a wide variety of titles, genres and books for different ages available. This is a great opportunity for people to come along, stock up their book shelves and find something new to read at a great price.”
“We will be continually replenishing stock over the two days of the sale, so people don’t need to worry about not being able to find something. We have lots to choose from.”
The Big Bargain Book Sale, will run from 9am to 7pm Friday 13 May and from 9am to 4pm Saturday 14 May. Onsite parking is available.