Christchurch City Council is geared up to resume work on building and infrastructure projects around the city when the country moves out of Level 4 lockdown on 28 April.
“We’ve been planning for this move in alert levels and we have a whole raft of projects ready to resume work on that will help to get our local businesses back to work and keep people in jobs,'' says Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel.
Work will restart on major transport and three waters projects as soon as the lockdown ends.
“We’ve been working with our contractors to ensure they can get back to work, while still ensuring the health and safety of their workers under the COVID-19 conditions.
“People can also expect to see more maintenance crews out and about as we move into Level 3,’’ the Mayor says.
“We’ve continued to do essential maintenance work through the lockdown period but under Level 3 we will be able to carry out a lot more of the sort of maintenance work you’d expect to see.’’
Mayor Dalziel says in line with Level 3 restrictions, many Council staff will continue to work from home, providing services to residents such as consenting.
Community facilities, pools and sport and recreation facilities will remain closed under Level 3, as will playgrounds, but people will be allowed into visit the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.
“The Botanic Gardens are one of most treasured spaces and so we are delighted that we can re-open them to the public on 28 April,’’ the Mayor says.
“Libraries, sport and recreation centres and the art gallery will continue to remain closed under Level 3. However, the innovative ways that staff have found to offer online services and activities to residents will continue.
“While normal social activities are still curtailed under the Level 3 restrictions, we can get a lot more economic activity happening. This is a significant milestone for the city and will help us chart the way forward as we begin the journey to recovery,’’ the Mayor says.
Find out more about what the alert level change means for the Council's services and facilities.