An experienced community leader with a passion for Christchurch and the environment will serve as the independent chair of the new group that will help transform the city’s red zones.
Chrissie Williams’ appointment as chair of the Christchurch Red Zones Transformative Land Use Consultative Group was announced today by Christchurch City Council, in consultation with Ngāi Tahu and Land Information New Zealand.
Chrissie Williams
The group will be made up of members from the community, iwi and local community boards.
It will provide advice and make recommendations to the Council and the Crown on initiatives, ideas and activities to transform the city’s red zone land in Brooklands, the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, South Shore/South New Brighton and the Port Hills until more permanent land uses are agreed.
Ms Williams, a former Christchurch City Councillor who has spent the past eight years working within a number of organisations, providing strategic advice on recovery and regeneration projects, says the group will consider projects that create activity and vibrancy in the red zone areas.
“Successful projects should benefit the community and the environment or address sustainability or ecological challenges,” Ms Williams says.
“Each of the areas has opportunities and constraints and potential for transformative projects to strengthen the connection with adjacent communities.”
Ms Williams will be joined on the group by Shayne Te Aika (representing Ngāi Tuāhuriri); Gail Gordon (Ngāti Wheke); Tyrone Field (Banks Peninsula Community Board); Bebe Frayle and Jo Zervos (Coastal-Burwood Community Board); Tim Lindley (Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board); and Keir Leslie (Cashmere-Spreydon Community Board).
The Council is in process of seeking five community members to be part of the group, including a youth member, three members with a focus on the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, and a wider community representative.
The deadline for applications for the community positions has been extended until 7 February. Applications can be made online through the Council’s website or by filling out the forms available at Council libraries and service centres.
The Christchurch Red Zones Transformative Land Use Consultative Group is a result of the 2019 Global Settlement Agreement which sets out how the Crown and Council will work together on transitional land use arrangements for the red zones.
The agreement requires the Crown and Council to set up a consultative group to provide community input and advice to them on applications for land uses that are for less than five years. Long-term governance of the red zones will be considered by the Council once all, or most of, the land transfer process is completed.