21 May 2020

Christchurch City Council is welcoming the findings of a pilot study that focused on finding the cause of the long-standing odour issues in Bromley.

“The pilot study findings have given us a much better understanding of the issues and we are now working closely with Environment Canterbury on what new actions we can take to help reduce the odours from various sites that residents and businesses in some parts of Bromley have been experiencing,’’ says Council Head of Three Water and Waste Helen Beaumont.

The pilot study was led by ECan and was carried out in March. It involved residents in Bromley reporting odour via a ‘Smelt-it’ mobile app. Those reports were then compared to the weather and operational data provided by Christchurch City Council for its Bromley-based Living Earth and Ecodrop facilities.

ECan says the pilot study findings clearly identify the two Council-run facilities as significant odour emitters. The Council is reviewing the findings.

Ms Beaumont says the Council and its partners at EcoDrop and Living Earth are totally committed to ensuring all possible action is taken to eliminating the odour problems.

“We have always recognised that odour has been a problem for residents in the Bromley area, but now that we have better data to understand causes, we can remedy the situation. We fully appreciate our community will want action and we are using the findings to work immediately with Environment Canterbury on the actions which might be needed.

“We’re continuing to work proactively with Living Earth and EcoCentral to share technology, best practices and initiatives for managing odour. We’ve already held a joint workshop with both operators to work through the data in the report and identify potential short, medium and long-term actions that will further help minimise odour.’’

Ms Beaumont says Living Earth had already invested heavily into odour management initiatives, such as bio filters and misting systems to minimise any compost smell.

“We’ll be working with Living Earth to see how these can be further optimised. EcoCentral has identified potential techniques for minimising rubbish smell that it will now urgently begin exploring.

“This is a major step towards resolving the issue for residents in the area, who have raising concerns about the smell in their suburb for many years. Their wellbeing and quality of life is of highest priority.

“We want to be part of the wider solution around minimising odour in Bromley and we’re committed to working with Environment Canterbury and our operators to achieve this.”

Ms Beaumont says the Council will continue to keep residents informed as it develops a plan of action for addressing the odour issues.

Environment Canterbury Operations Director Nadeine Dommisse says the odour issue in Bromley has not been an easy one to resolve.

“Environment Canterbury will continue to work with Christchurch City Council, and other odour emitting businesses in Bromley, and further investigate the possibility that some odours were combining to create a worse one,’’ Ms Dommisse says.