Christchurch City Councillors have adopted a Strategic Framework which lays the foundation for the development of our Council’s next Long Term Plan 2024-34.
The Strategic Framework is our one-page, big picture view of what the Council wants to achieve for our communities.
It includes new strategic priorities – key issues where elected members want to see a change in approach or increase in focus this Council term. It also includes new community outcomes which have been reshaped to show a clearer link to the legislative purpose of local government, the promotion of social, cultural, environmental and economic well being.
They also endorsed the Letter of Expectations from Mayor Phil Mauger to Chief Executive Dawn Baxendale mapping out the start of the LTP development.
The LTP sets out what the Council plans to achieve over 10 years and how that will be funded.
“Christchurch is a fantastic city that is on the move. It is the place where we all call home, where we want to do our part to make it an even better place to live, work, play and invest,” Mayor Mauger says.
“Councillors are determined to realise their vision for Christchurch as ‘a city of opportunities’. Our city must continue to thrive and grow sustainably by attracting new businesses people and investment.
“We want to provide, encourage, enable and improve the services that are essential for sustainable growth, resilience, liveable neighbourhoods, safe and healthy natural environments, and to support diverse cultural interests, activities and events,” the Mayor says.
To ensure success, the letter outlines a clear direction for the LTP at an early stage.
This includes genuine partnerships with Mana Whenua, joint development between Councillors and staff, committing to a climate resilient city and continuous improvement.
It also highlights infrastructure and financial strategies which will play a key role in the LTP, as well as guiding the LTP process including its overarching development, consultation document and community and stakeholder engagement.