Book groups, film making, crafts and yoga could be on offer at the new central library, depending on what residents want.
Prospective library users are being asked to complete an online survey to let Christchurch City Council know what kind of programmes they would be interested in attending when Tūranga opens later this year.
"Leading edge" courses will be on offer at Tūranga, the new central library.
The $92 million library building is on the corner of Gloucester St and Cathedral Square and at nearly 10,000 square metres, will be the largest public library in the South Island.
The survey, which takes just a few minutes to complete, asks what people would like to learn or do across four areas: everyday skills, technology know-how, recreation, and books/authors.
Options for possible courses and activities include CV writing, sustainability, film making, podcasting, laser cutting and design, whakapapa research, body and movement (including yoga), writing workshops, and spoken word poetry nights.
The survey also asks people to say when would be the best days and times for them to visit the new library. Feedback is open until 6 May.
Finding out exactly what the community wants and needs from the new library is vital, says Council Libraries Programmes and Learning Manager Pat Street.
“Tūranga has the diverse spaces and specialised staff and resources to become a central hub where people learn, meet and interact. We want to make sure we have the mix of courses and activities right so they’ll be leading edge and provide a wide range of opportunities for people.”
Already over 135 people have completed the survey, with strong support so far for sustainability sesssions, a repair cafe (showing how to fix items instead of throwing them away), and author visits. Craft and body wellness classes are also proving popular.
The Council ran a similar survey of teens and young adults a few months ago to find out what programmes and courses they are interested in attending at the new central library. It received about 600 responses.
Tūranga will provide five floors of knowledge, products, services and experiences, including a hands-on technology and innovation zone, a cafeteria, a 200-seat community arena, activity rooms, an exhibition space, study spaces, meeting rooms, an arts and crafts space, a video editing suite, music studio, two outdoor terraces and a children’s playground.
Tūranga is due to open later this year.