Better streets & spaces  |  15 Oct 2019

Proposals to use post-earthquake legislation to fast-track changes to the District Plan rules governing the use of Hagley Oval and carparking requirements in Lyttelton’s town centre are moving forward.

The two proposals were submitted to the Associate Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Poto Williams, under Section 71 of the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act (GCRA) 2016.

Today, the Associate Minister announced she was inviting written public comment on both proposals.

Regenerate Christchurch, on behalf of the Canterbury Cricket Trust (CCT), submitted the proposal relating to the rules governing the use and operation of Hagley Oval.

The proposal asks the Associate Minister to use her powers under section 71 of the GCRA to make amendments to the Christchurch District Plan to set standards for the operation and use of Hagley Oval.

The proposed changes to the rules in the District Plan would replace the need for CCT to make any future resource consent applications relating to the proposed standards for operation and structures.

CCT’s current 2013 resource consent allows for four retractable lighting poles.

However, the proposed changes to the District Plan would permit six permanent floodlighting poles and structures. It also seeks other changes, including increasing the number of permitted match days compared to the resource consent.

All written comments must be submitted by 5pm, Wednesday, 20 November 2019. The Associate Minister will take the comments into account when deciding whether to approve the proposal.

The proposal can be viewed and written comments made online at

Christchurch City Council will be running its own consultation process in relation to the ground lease CCT has for Hagley Oval. The Council's consultation will start tomorrow and will run until Monday 18 November.

The second proposal the Associate Minister is inviting written comment on was submitted by Christchurch City Council. It seeks to have the on-site car parking requirements for new development’s in Lyttelton’s commercial zone removed from the Christchurch District Plan.

Ms Williams says the Christchurch District Plan requires developers to provide on-site parking in the Lyttelton commercial zone but does not take into account Lyttelton’s unusual geography, and the size and shape of sites.

“Prospective developers in Lyttelton are generally unable to meet on-site parking requirements. The amendment being sought seeks to reflect the Lyttelton environment and provide greater clarity and certainty to redevelopment and regeneration of the town centre,” Ms Williams says.

All written comments on this proposal must be received by 5pm, Thursday, 14 November.  

The proposal can be viewed and written comments made online at:

“It is important that anyone interested in these proposals makes a written comment,’’ Ms Williams says.