25 Jun 2024

Christchurch City Council’s 10 year plan is one step closer to being finalised.

Councillors have worked late into the night to provisionally adopt the 2024-34 Long Term Plan. The LTP sets out the Council’s programme for providing services over the next decade and how they will be funded.

The first year of the LTP includes an average rates rise of 9.90%, which is lower than than the 13.24% the Council consulted on in its in draft LTP.

The plan includes additional funding for The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora, Orana Park and the Santa Parade, as well as helping communities adapt to the impacts of climate change and natural hazards, and continuing to support events.

Audit NZ will review the proposed plan and the Council will reconvene on Thursday 27 June to formally adopted the LTP.