Christchurch City Council has filed its closing submissions on its proposed Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (Plan Change 14).
The Council today submitted its “right of reply” document to the Independent Hearings Panel, providing an overview of matters raised during the public hearings and the Council’s final position on them, before the panel makes its recommendations later this year.
Read the Council’s right of reply.
Head of Planning and Consents Mark Stevenson says the Council is grateful for the collective efforts of the hearings panel and submitters.
“The panel has carried out a high-quality hearing and a great deal of work has gone into evaluating the many submissions and significant evidence before it.
“Similarly, submitters have made huge contributions through the information they’ve fed into the process, resulting in a number of changes.
“In both instances, we’re very grateful for the significant time and resources invested in the process to date for the city’s Housing and Business Choice Plan Change.”
Mr Stevenson says proposed changes to Plan Change 14 have been made in response to submissions, discussions with submitters and conferencing between experts.
Following the filing of the Council’s right of reply today, the Independent Hearings Panel will now prepare its recommendations on the plan change, which the Council expects to receive by 26 July.
In September, the Council will make decisions on the panel’s recommendations on greater heights and densities in and around the central city and suburban centres. It will also decide on the recommendations related to re-zoning land in Sydenham to mixed-use and financial contributions for tree-canopy cover across all relevant zones.
The Council has until September 2025 to decide on the panel’s recommendations that relate to implementing Medium-Density Residential Standards beyond the central city and suburban centres.