Planning for the future  |  16 Mar 2023

If you’re wondering about the projects happening in your neighbourhood, Christchurch City Council’s online budget tool has been updated to show how much money is proposed, and when the work is scheduled.

The proposals are part of the Council's Draft Annual Plan 2023/24, which is out for public feedback until 10 April. It's the city’s budget for the year, outlining what the Council proposes to spend on projects and day-to-day services over the next financial year and how they'll be financed.

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You can search by the area you live in, the type of project, the project name or even just a key word, and see at a glance which projects funded through our Long Term Plan have been updated.

Some of the budgets for the projects may have changed from the last Annual Plan and some projects may have had their funding either brought forward or pushed out to future years – all of which can be seen on the tool at a glance.

“This tool is the easiest way to sort through all the different Council projects, and see where they are in the pipeline,” says Council Head of Communications and Engagement Katy McRae.

“If you’re using a laptop or desktop, you’ll see each project as a colourful bubble – the bigger the bubble, the bigger the project. This makes it a very visual and user-friendly way to see how their funding stacks up against other projects.”

Feedback on the Draft Annual Plan 2023/24 is open until Monday 10 April.

Find out more and give your feedback.