5 Jun 2024

Take a moment this Arbor Day to check out what’s on offer during this year’s planting season.

“The annual celebration of tree planting is a great chance to shine a spotlight on our extensive planting season for the year,” says Acting Head of Parks Roslyn Kerr.

Keen for more?

Council partners with a range of community groups to protect our environment and enhance our community.

Get involved with parks with ongoing volunteer opportunities: ccc.govt.nz/parks-and-gardens/volunteer-in-parks

Donate or sponsor a community group: ccc.govt.nz/parks-and-gardens/volunteer-in-parks/donate

“As well as the bumper season ahead for the red zone, our rangers are busy working with community volunteers across the Port Hills and Banks Peninsula to restore and maintain native forest areas, and we’re always keen for anyone interested to get involved.”

Take part in winter planting across the Port Hills at Dry Bush on Saturday 8 June, Eastside Bush on Saturday 15 June and Mt Ada on Saturday 13 July.

Help plant up Banks Peninsula’s Hilltop Reserve on Sunday 21 July, and volunteer at Halswell Quarry this season on Saturday’s 8 and 22 June, 20 July and 10 August.

Maintenance days will be held over the months to come to ensure the ecological restoration is a success.

Alongside volunteer opportunities, Council is working to increase tree canopy at community parks across Christchurch with a raft of tree planting plans. This is part of the Urban Forest Plan which aims to increase Christchurch’s canopy cover over the next 50 years, keep up to date on the process here.