12 Mar 2025

Students in Christchurch’s east are riding high with their new school bikes and pump track.

Bromley School students are spending their breaks outdoors, taking their new bikes for a spin and ripping along the purpose-built track that borders their school field.

The newly constructed track came with a fleet of bikes and helmets, a storage facility and training for staff and students, and is just one in a series of four schools in the east who have received the package as part of the Bikes in Schools programme.

Bromley School teacher and school bikes coordinator Cathy Baker says with many of their students not having been on a bike before, being part of this programme has been one of the best things for them.

“Lots of our students don’t have their own bikes so having this chance while they’re at school means they’ve been able to learn new skills and learn how to cycle in a short time.

“Having their turn to bike around the track is a huge highlight during their school day - it’s getting more of our children active at break times and having fun outside.”

Each school’s new sealed track is designed with twists and turns and a series of rollers to cater to all skill levels.

Christchurch City Council Transport Operations Manager Stephen Wright says the programme is a fantastic way for students to learn the fun of cycling while simultaneously learning new skills.

“We want all students to have the opportunity to be taught bike skills and learn about bike safety, and it’s an added bonus these students are able to learn alongside their friends in a fun environment.”

The programme has also been recently implemented at Linwood Avenue School, Whītau School and Te Pā o Rākaihautū.

“We’re excited to see the Bikes in Schools programme expanding across Christchurch so we can let more students experience cycling and teach these kids how to be confident on a bike,” Mr Wright says.

The Bikes in Schools programme is a collaboration with Bikes On Trust and has been funded by the Christchurch City Council through Better Off funding.

Find a list of bikes in schools tracks under the 'Build a bike track' section of our School travel webpage