“Our transport system is central to a more vibrant, prosperous and climate resilient district. It shapes and connects Ōtautahi Christchurch and Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula and enables everyone to move around safely and easily.”
That’s the vision of the Draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Future Transport 2024-54 strategy, which opened for consultation today.
“We’re seeking feedback on the draft vision, goals, challenges and opportunities that will shape our plan for getting around,” Head of Planning and Consents Mark Stevenson says
The draft strategy will help to shape the Council's strategic transport investment, planning and policy work programmes over the next three decades. It addresses the need for sustainable, efficient, and accessible transport options to accommodate the growing and changing needs of the city and district.
Once adopted by the elected council, Ōtautahi Christchurch Future Transport will replace the Christchurch Transport Strategic Plan 2012–2042.
A detailed implementation plan will be developed following adoption, and it will be delivered through the Council’s Annual and Long Term Plans. Any actions proposed for investigation within the draft plan – including mass rapid transit and pricing tools– will require further public consultation in future.
“Our city and district are growing and changing, and the way we’re travelling is changing, too. We need to plan for a resilient transport network that moves us all in the right direction,” Mr Stevenson says.
“There are challenges and opportunities ahead, so this draft strategy focuses on planning for the right movement in the right places now, to support a safe, sustainable and efficient transport network in the future.”
Share your views via Draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Future Transport | Kōrero mai | Let’s talk (ccc.govt.nz). Tell us what you think by Sunday 8 December.
The strategy is driven by six goals:
Goal 1: Well-managed transport assets
More effective whole-of life management
Cost-effective and innovative maintenance solutions
Goal 2: A more resilient transport network
Building resilience into transport network assets
Developing our transport network climate adaptation approach and plans
Goal 3: A safer transport network
Focusing on high-risk areas
Implementing and maintaining safe infrastructure
Collaborating with road safety partners
Goal 4: An efficient transport network
Enabling economic and other priority activities
Developing proactive network management approaches
Goal 5: Genuine transport choice for everyone
Significantly improving our public transport system
Contributing to building a safer, more connected, and attractive network for walking, cycling and other micromobility
Supporting residents and schools to try new ways of travelling
Enabling the transition to low emission vehicles
Goal 6: A vibrant, healthy and liveable city
Finishing what we've started in the central city
Planning for growth along core public transport corridors
Enhancing our streets and neighbourhoods as our city becomes more intensely developed