A major milestone has been reached for developing Christchurch’s sports field network with the aim of building our sporting image.

At their meeting today, Christchurch City Councillors adopted the Sports Field Network Plan, which sets out the pathway for upgrading sports fields and associated infrastructure throughout the city and Banks Peninsula over the next 10 years.

Who we worked with?

During the development of the draft Sports Field Network Plan, the Council engaged with stakeholders who represent summer and winter sports field users, as well asl those who manage weekly sports and events for tamariki and rangatahi in Canterbury. This includes:

  • Sport Canterbury
  • Canterbury Rugby
  • Canterbury Rugby League
  • Christchurch Metro Cricket
  • Canterbury Cricket
  • Canterbury Softball
  • Mainland Football
  • Touch Canterbury
  • Canterbury School Sports
  • Independent organisations who manage weekly sports/events for school children around Canterbury.

The document focuses on the provision, development, and performance of a network of well-placed, appropriately developed, and accessible sports fields throughout the city, which is balanced against other competing needs for use of our city’s parks.

See the full Sports Field Network Plan here.

The Plan was developed side by side with stakeholders from key sporting groups and organisations throughout the city.

Sport Canterbury Chief Executive Julyan Falloon said the outdoor sporting community has been eagerly awaiting this Plan with the major regional sporting organisations working with their respective communities made up of about 60,000 members.

“We really appreciate that this Plan has been developed in partnership with our sporting sector, not to us,” he said.

“It is a key initiative for Christchurch that has been a long time in the making and a great step in the ongoing development of our district’s sporting needs.”

Mayor Phil Mauger said this plan will strengthen Christchurch’s reputation as the sporting capital of New Zealand where people can get involved in local sport at a wide range of public sports fields.

“This plan provides long term assurance to the city’s sporting organisations that this Council is committed to supporting and growing sport in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula.”

“Sport has always played a big part in our city’s identity. That is why our Council is committing to making sure we have an accessible and affordable network of high quality sports fields in this plan,” he said.

“We are thrilled to have international turf expert Richard Gibbs in our parks team working on this project for us.”  

The Plan sets out three key goals – play where you live, participate for life, and succeed.

It aims to encourage residents to participate locals and enjoy the benefits of good health, wellbeing and strengthened communities.

High-level actions have been developed to help achieve these goals.

Council staff and regional sports organisations have agreed to a new collaborative joint decision making process to identify the highest priorities for sport fields improvements year-on-year aligned to the available funding.

The draft Long Term Plan proposes an additional $54.8 million over 10 years for upgrading sports fields, developing dedicated floodlit artificial turf fields, and additional sports turf drainage and irrigation.  

Individual projects will be consulted on with local communities and stakeholders as specific projects are agreed and developed.

Image: Canterbury Rugby League