A project to help low and fixed income households reduce their energy bills will benefit from a $49,763 Sustainability Fund grant.
The Sustainability Fund was set up by the Christchurch City Council to assist with community action on climate change.
A proposal from Christchurch business Ecobulb will see the Home Energy Project pilot rolled out to help 200 low and fixed income households in Christchurch.
The scheme will see the company install LED bulbs and water efficient shower heads, provide energy saving tips and support householders to select the best energy provider for their household.
Developed by local firm Ecobulb, the scheme aims to save almost 700 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over ten years through energy savings.
“We know the energy used in buildings generates 18 percent of Christchurch’s greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why practical, targeted support schemes like this are so valuable", says Councillor Sara Templeton, chair of the the Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee.
“Not only will this project help people save money it will directly assist in reducing emissions.”
Along with the targeted household support, the pilot project will be used to gather information to support a funding application to the $17m Energy Hardship Programme offered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
“If Ecobulb is able to expand the programme it will potentially benefit about 20,000 Christchurch households. We think this is a very worthwhile investment,” Ms Templeton says.
A similar programme has been successfully introduced by Ecobulb in the King Country.
The Council has adopted climate change objectives and targets of halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2045.
Applications to the Sustainability Fund can be made during October and September for the next funding round, to be decided in early 2023 following local government elections.