2 Aug 2024

The Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) has released its recommendations on Christchurch City Council’s Housing and Business Choice Plan Change – Plan Change 14.

The recommendations have been published to the IHP’s website: chch2023.ihp.govt.nz 

“We’re pleased to have received the IHP’s recommendations and staff are now working towards the upcoming information sessions for elected members ahead of the decision report that will be presented to the Council for its consideration in September,” says Council Head of Planning and Consents Mark Stevenson. 

“All submitters have been notified, and we’re moving forward with preparing information that will support clear understanding of the recommendations and the Council’s decision-making process.” 

The Council will decide on some or all of the IHP’s recommendations on 4 September, choosing whether to accept or reject them, in whole or in part, or whether to delay decision-making on some of them.  

If rejecting any of the recommendations, the Council can make an alternative recommendation to the Minister of RMA Reform, but it can only be based on submissions and evidence that was made available to the IHP. 

Similarly, the Mayor and Councillors cannot consider any additional communication or information from anyone about the IHP’s recommendations. 

The Intensification Streamlined Planning Process, which Plan Change 14 has followed, does not allow for people to be heard on the IHP’s recommendations, or the Council’s decision-making, and does not allow any appeals.    

The Council is required to make decisions on those parts of Plan Change 14 that implement policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) by 12 September 2024.  

Decisions beyond these policies do not need to be made by the Council until December 2025.   

On 1 May, the Council made an in-principle decision that it would only decide in September on those parts of the IHP’s recommendations that relate to policies 3 and 4 of the NPS-UD (including Sydenham Mixed Use areas) and the Financial Contributions for Tree Canopy Cover. 

If the Council maintains that position on 4 September, then it will only decide on proposed zoning within and around commercial centres, including any related qualifying matters. 

Two public information sessions about the IHP’s recommendations have been scheduled for councillors on 6 and 13 August. 

The Independent Hearings Panel’s (IHP) key recommended changes to Plan Change 14 since it was notified: 

  • For the City Centre Zone, the IHP recommends a building heights framework that would mean all buildings less than 28m high do not require resource consent. Buildings between 28m and 45m in height require a resource consent, and the building design is subject to controls, but the Council cannot decline it. For buildings over 45m in height, resource consent is required and, again, the building is subject to design matters, but the Council can decline resource consent.  
  • Intensification surrounding the City Centre Zone has been limited to only within the Four Avenues. High-density residential zoning is, therefore, only limited to this area, where building heights are permitted to 39m (about 12 storeys) where adjoining the City Centre Zone, or otherwise 22m high (about six storeys).  
  • The IHP recommends keeping the 32m building-height limit for the Large Town Centres of Papanui, Hornby and Riccarton, with an increase to the spatial extent of the walking catchments around these centres from 600m to 800m. This will mean expanded areas of High Density Residential zoning, with building heights of 14m (about four storeys) being permitted.  
  • The IHP recommends rejection of the proposed Mixed Use Zone for Sydenham and keeping the existing Industrial General Zone.  
  • The IHP recommends that the following qualifying matters (QMs) be accepted with amendments: Christchurch International Airport Noise Influence Area QM; heritage items and settings QM; and the Industrial Interface QM. 
  • The IHP accepts the inclusion of the Tsunami and Coastal Hazard QM, with some (minor) changes to the spatial extents of the Tsunami Risk Management Area.  
  • The IHP recommends that the following qualifying matters be rejected:  Sunlight Access; Low Public Transport Accessibility Area; Riccarton Bush Interface Area; New Heritage items and settings; Residential Heritage Areas and Heritage Interfaces; New and extended Residential Character Areas; Significant and Other Trees (keep the existing District Plan provisions); and City Spine Transport Corridor Setback. 
  • The tree canopy cover and financial contributions provisions are also recommended to be rejected.