A barrier to accessing the full Christchurch City Libraries collection for those living rurally on Banks Peninsula has been removed.
As part of this year’s Annual Plan process, Councillors approved dropping library hold fees for residents permanently living on the Peninsula using Akaroa and Little River libraries.
“We had feedback from people living in the remote communities that they haven’t been able to access all of the items they really wanted to,” Christchurch City Council Head of Libraries and Information Carolyn Robertson said.
“That’s because the $3 per item hold cost can quickly add up if you wanted to request more than one book and they can’t just jump in their car, hop on the bus, bike or walk to another library as easily as those who live in the city.”
Charges for holds at Little River and Akaroa libraries were removed from 1 July 2022.
This move also coincides with hold fees for Christchurch city residents being dropped from $3 to $2.
“We want to see as many residents as possible making the most of the libraries around the city and Peninsula so it’s a good time to remind people that library fines were also dropped in March this year,” Ms Robertson said.
“If you had historical fines or were worried about getting charged if you forgot to return a book on time, these fines have now been removed so we can’t wait to see you back.”
Join the library and get access to all the latest books, movies, TV, eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and so much more here.