Lockdown images that capture the lives of people and their neighbourhood places will help create a historical collective record of life in isolation for the Christchurch City Libraries Discovery Wall.
People are being encouraged to share their images by uploading pictures directly to the Discovery Wall or contacting the library if wanting to add a bigger collection.
Christchurch City Council Head of Libraries and Information Carolyn Robertson says the digital landscape is the perfect place to share images and stories of everyday life in lockdown.
“We are asking people to take photographs that chart their life in lockdown – from images at home to walking in your local neighbourhood,” Ms Robertson says.
“You can use your camera or cellphone to take photographs for the Discovery Wall – just remember to keep your distance from others while out and about.
“We would welcome a range of photographs and stories from across the city, sharing our own journey of endurance and self-reliance or showcasing our unique local outlook.
“Perhaps you can post photos taken from your window or a sign of hope written on a front fence – anything that illustrates the moment.”
It is important to add as much information about your images as you can:
Where – The spot where you took the photo, including the street name or address.
Who – The names of the people in your image. (Check you have permission to use their names.)
When – The date you took the photograph.
Why – What caught your eye about the photograph and how you felt at the time.
What – Tags that categorise your photograph.
“By uploading your own stories and photos, you are making an important contribution to the library’s online heritage collection, and capturing the present for generations to come,” Ms Robertson says.
“It is a unique time in the history of our city and we hope you can share what you see around you with our wider community.”
Upload your photographs directly to the Discovery Wall or contact the library for more information.