The Government’s decision to keep Christchurch at Alert Level 2 is a lucky break for the city, but the situation could change rapidly, Mayor Lianne Dalziel says.
“The two cases we have in Christchurch could easily become more so we need to make sure that we take every step we can to protect ourselves and our communities.
“That means people need to get tested – even if they only have mild symptoms – and people need to get vaccinated. If you haven’t had your first jab yet, please make getting vaccinated your number one priority.
“The two cases that have been confirmed in Christchurch should be enough to shatter any residual hesitancy about getting a vaccine.
“The Auckland outbreak of Delta shows us we cannot afford to be complacent or think we are somehow immune from this virus. As it has been said many times before, Delta is a game-changer. It is a fast spreading virus that can get quickly get out of control.
“The key to avoiding a widespread community outbreak is by making sure everyone gets vaccinated and that we follow the public health advice.
“As I said earlier today, our mantra must be wear masks, use QR codes, and get a test if you’re not feeling well. If we all follow the public health advice and get vaccinated, we can hopefully avoid a situation where we need to move to a higher alert level,’’ the Mayor says.
People can find details about where they can get tests and vaccinations at covid19.govt.nz. This website will also have information about any places of interest in Christchurch.
People can be tested for COVID-19 at their General Practice - you need to call before you turn up for a test - or at a community-based testing centre.
You don’t need a referral to attend a community-based testing centre. You can drive-up or walk-in. Testing is free, unless you require a test for travel overseas.
The COVID-19 CBTCs currently operating in Canterbury are:
The testing centres are already experiencing increased demand and the CDHB have increased capacity to respond to this, with additional staff brought on board today.
People can check if their GP can provide COVID-19 testing by calling them or via the Healthpoint website.
Full details of testing options in Canterbury can be found here.
It’s important that we continue to improve vaccination coverage across Canterbury, as high vaccination rates will help protect our communities and keep people safe.
There are currently 100+ community vaccination clinics open throughout Canterbury, many open weekends and late nights. You do not need to book for most of them. If you prefer a fixed time, you can book your vaccination at www.bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz or call 0800 28 29 26/
A full list of vaccination clinics, including multiple walk-in options, can be found here.