27 Jul 2023

Last night Mayor Phil Mauger welcomed a record number of approximately 750 delegates to the annual Local Government New Zealand Conference at Te Pae.

During his opening address he said that Christchurch was “excited to welcome LGNZ back to Christchurch”.

“This is our chance to come together, share ideas, get to know one another and explore innovative solutions to the challenges we are all facing throughout local government.

“It is no secret that the country is facing the rising cost of living – the three I’s of inflation, interest rates and insurance. This means all of us are being asked to stretch each dollar even further.

“We’re also doing this while trying to wrap our heads around fundamental reforms being driven from Wellington.

“And it’s fair to say the Mother Nature has been giving much of the country a reminder of how tough she can be.

“The challenge for local government is that we are being pulled in a lot of directions and need to find ways through.

“This means we must work together, talk to one another, ask questions and test ideas. We’re better off working together in the tent than trying to go it alone.

“And that’s what this conference is all about.”

Mayor Mauger also congratulated neighbouring Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton on his election as National President of LGNZ for the next three years.

This is the first time LGNZ have met in Christchurch since 2018, with the Christchurch City Council supporting LGNZ and ChristchurchNZ to bring this event to Christchurch.

With almost 750 registered delegates expected over the next three days of conference activity, ChristchurchNZ estimates the net economic benefit to the city is close to $1,000,000.

Half a dozen city tours are being hosted by staff, reintroducing our revitalised city centre to our visitors, as well as showcasing business opportunities.

The conference will hear from a range of speakers, including the Prime Minister, and other political leaders.