The Christchurch City Council has opened a $282,000 fund that enables people to activate community projects and events in the city’s former residential red zones.
The Red Zones Transitional Use Fund is open to individuals, community organisations and social enterprises to help new projects in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, Southshore, South New Brighton, Brooklands and the Port Hills regeneration areas.
The fund aims to strengthen connections between the regeneration areas and nearby communities, provide recreational opportunities for Christchurch residents, improve the land’s environmental and ecological health, and enable new and innovative ideas to be tested on the land.
The fund could also support any Regeneration Plans and planning for more permanent uses of the areas.
Te Tira Kāhikuhiku Red Zones Consultative Group Chairperson Chrissie Williams says the Transitional Use Fund is an opportunity for groups to bring their ideas to life and strengthen the community’s connection to the land.
“The fund is quite flexible as to the projects it can be used for, and we would love to hear ideas that connect with local communities, involve volunteers, and bring people into the regeneration areas,” she says.
“Anything that encourages people to get engaged with the land will be fantastic.”
Applications for $20,000 or less will be considered by Te Tira Kāhikuhiku Red Zones Consultative Group, while the Council will consider all applications for more than $20,000. If successful, recipients must spend their funds within 12 months.
People and groups can apply at any time until the Red Zones Transitional Use Fund is fully allocated.
Interested parties can find out more information on the process and the parameters of the funding and fill out an application form online.
Applicants must have a transitional land use approved from Land Information New Zealand before they apply for funding.