7 Sep 2023

Catch up on some of the decisions of interest from Wednesday's Christchurch City Council meeting.

Streets for People - Gloucester Street

Christchurch City Council will proceed with the Streets for People Gloucester Street Shared Space project.

Staff recommended the project not continue however Councillors agreed a trial should be installed by June 2024.

The design will be amended to incorporate two-way traffic flows along the corridor, and Council will be able to continue accessing Waka Kotahi funding support to trial pedestrian-friendly street layouts.

Amendment to the Alcohol Restrictions in Public Places Bylaw 2018 – Permanent Alcohol Ban in Woolston Village

Christchurch City Council agreed to make the temporary alcohol ban in Woolston Village permanent, and to extend the ban area to include Glenroy Reserve.

Woolston Village has had a temporary alcohol ban since December 2022, which has proved effective in addressing alcohol related crime and disorder caused by people drinking in public places.

94% of submissions for this proposal expressed support for amending the Bylaw to make the ban permanent.  

Christchurch Heritage Trust Loan Application

Christchurch City Council approved a special loan to Christchurch Heritage Ltd of $500,000 to complete the restoration of the Trinity Congregational Church.

The church partially reopened in July as The Church Brew Pub, a live music bar and restaurant.

The 148-year-old church is a category 1 historic building, and hopes to be fully opened in November.

Endorsing the Strategic Framework for the Canterbury Climate Partnership Plan

Christchurch City Council endorsed the Strategic Framework for the Canterbury Climate Partnership Plan being developed under the Canterbury Mayoral Forum. The framework has a collective aim for a thriving, climate resilient, low emissions Canterbury.

Key benefits for Council by jointly planning climate actions with territorial authorities across the Canterbury Region include efficient use of resources and rate payer money, more consistent, aligned and joined-up responses, a strengthened regional voice and accelerating climate action.

Environment Canterbury will lead engagement with communities to seek feedback on the draft Canterbury Climate Partnership Plan in late 2023.  

Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy – for consultation

Christchurch City Council approved the draft Equity and Inclusion Policy for consultation.

The Council has a number of community-facing policies that have been overdue for review for some time, and many are now outdated and do not accurately speak to Council’s delivery of equitable services and understanding of diverse needs.

The framework seeks to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all communities in Council’s planning and decision-making process.

In adopting the Strengthening Communities Together Strategy 2022, the Council agreed to a review of several of these policies, with the intention that these would be incorporated into an overarching Equity and Inclusion Policy.