Christchurch City Council is investing more resources into community partnerships.
“During the public submissions on the Draft 2021-31 Long Term Plan a number of submitters expressed a desire for the Council to more closely partner with the community,’’ says Mayor Lianne Dalziel.
“As a Council we know that partnering with the community is the best way to achieve the outcomes we all want for our city and to prepare ourselves for the challenges that we will face in the future.
“In recognition of that, we have included more money in the 2021-31 Long Term Plan to support initiatives and programmes that involve community partnerships.’’
Funding of $350,000 a year, for three years, has been put in the budget for community partnerships aimed at building social capital, community capacity and collaboration in communities that require extra support.
The same amount has been provided for an environment and climate change partnership fund that will be used to support community and interest groups undertaking projects that align with the Council’s climate change goals.
Also included in the 2021-31 Long Term Plan is:
“We have had a parks partnership programme since 2018 which has resulted in tens of thousands of hours of community volunteering in our parks and reserves. We want to ensure that programme continues to grow and that we give people who want to help out a clear pathway for doing so,’’ the Mayor says.