Civil defence, Fire  |  22 Feb 2024

The latest information on the Port Hills fire.

FENZ cordons update

FENZ is making changes to the cordons restricting access to the Port Hills that will come into effect at 6pm today (Thursday 22 February). See updated cordons map here. 

  • The cordon at the Sign of the Kiwi at Dyers Pass will be removed.
  • The public will have free access up Worsleys Road as far as Gosforth Way.
  • Worsleys Road from Gosforth Way to the start of Worsleys Track will continue to have restricted access for residents only.
  • Worsleys Track will remain completely closed to the public from the Summit Road to the end of Worsleys Road. Fire crews are still working in this area and there are heavy tankers, fire trucks and heavy machinery on the road.

Kennedy's Bush track remains closed. Stay updated on the status of Council tracks here. 

State of Local Emergency lifted

The State of Local Emergency that was put in place in Christchurch City and Selwyn District in response to the Port Hills fire was lifted and both areas moved into transition to recovery at 1pm today.

Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger and Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton agreed that a State of Local Emergency be declared for Christchurch, Banks Peninsula and Selwyn at 6.13pm last Wednesday.

With residents now back in their homes and the change to more favourable weather conditions, the immediate dangers posed by the fire have passed and efforts will now focus on the transition to recovery.

Crews are still working on the Port Hills as it is still an active fireground.Fire and Emergency and Christchurch and Selwyn Councils with the support of Civil Defence will continue to support residents living on the Port Hills to recover from the fire, and to build resilience.

Residents should continue to follow their local council, Christchurch City Council or Selwyn District Council, for the latest information on the recovery.

The fire risk remains extremely high, with higher temperatures forecast to return this weekend.People are reminded to stay very aware about the work they do during the day. Hot-work or spark-generating work, which includes mowing lawns, should be done earlier in the day when it is cooler.

The blog will now be closed and future updates on the Port Hills fire can be found on the Newsline website or Facebook page. 

FENZ update

  • Crews on the ground at the Port Hills will spend today dampening hotspots.
  • Drone footage last night identified 20 hotspots and 70 firefighters will work on turning over and extinguishing these today. There will be no helicopters or aircraft assisting the team on the ground today.
  • Today's conditions are good for continuing with the hard work ahead of the forecasted higher temperatures this weekend.
  • The fire risk remains extremely high and people are reminded to stay very aware about the work they do during the day. Hot-work or spark-generating work, which includes mowing lawns, should be done earlier in the day when it is cooler.

FENZ update

The colder weather combined with a small amount of rain overnight on Monday helped cool the Port Hills fireground, but this has made for challenging, slippery conditions on Tuesday.

Incident Commander Steve Kennedy says safety of the crews has been the priority.

"The crews have been working on hotspots, including skid sites, with heavy machinery in difficult conditions today, but we’ve been working carefully to ensure our people stay safe.

"We have made good progress and now have fewer hotspots to eliminate on Wednesday.

"This means we will review our requirements for resources and reduce or number of crews and equipment on the ground tomorrow, in part to give some of our hard-working volunteers a rest, but people can be assured we will be able to respond quickly should the situation on the ground change."

Steve Kennedy says he appreciates the patience and understanding of the public as the operations continue.

"I also want to acknowledge the co-operation between all the response agencies and organisations involved in this response."

The rain on Tuesday morning did reduce the fire danger somewhat, but Steve Kennedy says this won’t last.

"The winds this afternoon will dry any moisture out very quicky and the fire danger conditions will be elevated once again.

"On the fireground we will be able to manage this with the crews we have, but it’s important for people to stay very aware about the work they do during the day. Hot-work or spark-generating work, which includes mowing lawns, should be done earlier in the day when it is cooler."

The Early Valley cordon has been removed this afternoon as access is no longer needed that area to be restricted for operational reasons.

The other cordons remain in place. Details and a map of the cordon locations can be viewed here. 

Port Hills parks/tracks update

  •  Haswell Quarry has been reopened
  • Bowenvale and Huntsbury tracks/reserves have been reopened
  • Victoria park has been reopened
  • Summit Road east of Sign of the Kiwi has been reopened
  • Summit road southwards from Sign of Kiwi is to remain closed
  • The biking/walking track from the top of Kennedy’s Bush to the Summit Road will remain closed.
Please visit this map for the status of all Council walking tracks. You can also visit our track status webpage. 

Port Hills Fire resident-only access update:

Three resident-only access control points remain in place in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula. View this map for details.

These are to prevent unnecessary use and to ensure public safety while FENZ continue to work in the area.

Resident-only access points in Selwyn District are being lifted today.

FENZ update

  • Just under 5mm of rain fell on the Port Hills fire ground this morning. (This is a correction to the 20mm which may have been reported elsewhere. The inaccuracy was due to a technical error with one of the rain gauges.)
  • Incident Controller Steve Kennedy says overnight crews made great progress eliminating many of the hotspots and also the deep seated burning at one of the largest skid sites.
  • The specialist drone crew continued thermal imaging overnight and has identified further areas that crews will focus on today.
  • Steve Kennedy says the rain was welcome and will help fire suppression. However it also means conditions will be slippery so access tracks on the steep terrain will be checked before crews start working on some parts of the fireground.
  • Firefighters will again be working with the support of heavy machinery and two helicopters are available.

FENZ update

Evening update 
  • Here’s some cheerful news – all the effort to strengthen the containment lines and deal to hotspots has paid off against the stronger winds today.
  • We had 100 firefighters and 20 support personnel on the Port Hills today, with five helicopters and heavy machinery turning over the hotspots and extinguishing the flare-ups.
  • The southerly wind change this evening will help cool the land and make it easier for the infrared cameras to identify hotspots.
  • Firefighters will be on the fireground again overnight, and the drone crew will also be continuing its operations so keep an eye out for those flashing lights.

FENZ update

  • Drone crews have identified 17 more hotspots at the Port Hills fire, meaning there are now 40 hotspots that firefighters are actively working to extinguish today.
  • There are 100 firefighters and 20 support personnel working alongside five helicopters and heavy machinery to work through the hotspots, many of which are deep underground.
  • Incident Commander Steve Kennedy says good progress continues to be made. "Depending on how conditions develop today we are planning to reduce our crews from tomorrow. "This should not be seen as a sign that the fire will be extinguished soon - it will take some time for us to work through all the hotspots. I would like to thank the nearby residents and wider community for their understanding while we continue to work on this fire."
  • Fire and Emergency has been supported by the New Zealand Army which has provided catering and Army fire crews at the incident. "This has made a big difference and we’re very grateful for their support," Steve Kennedy says.
  • A fixed cordon remains between Summit Road and Dyers Pass Road as water tankers and crews are working just off the road. The public is warned to avoid any high-risk activities that generate sparks, or if they have to, doing it in morning before 10am which is the coolest part of the day. High-risk activities include:

-Using equipment that generate sparks, or where blades can strike a stone and cause a spark (eg welders, grinders, mowers, chainsaws).

-Parking vehicles in long grass - hot exhausts can start a fire.

Smoke update

With the windy and hot conditions expected across Canterbury today, there is potential that people who are sensitive to smoke – such as those with heart or lung conditions, people who are pregnant, young children and the elderly – may experience symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath or eye, nose and throat irritation.
People affected by the smoke should close windows and doors and reduce outdoor exercise. If you see or smell smoke outside, you should stay inside if it is safe to do so.
Remember to:
  • Keep your windows and doors shut
  • Switch your air conditioning to ‘recirculate’
  • Air out your house when the smoke clears
  • Look out for children, older people, and others at risk
  • Keep pets inside with clean water and food. Keep pets’ bedding inside if possible.

See Te Whatu Ora Health NZ for more information.

FENZ update

  • Firefighting efforts on the Port Hills continue, with the focus on eliminating hotspots and strengthening the containment lines.
  • Last night our specialist drone team carried out thermal imaging and identified a further 30 hotspots that crews are targeting today.
  • Incident Controller Steve Kennedy says that the intention is to strengthen any vulnerable points around the perimeter and continue extinguishing deep seated fires in several old forestry skid sites before the wind strengthens this afternoon.
  • Today is flagged as a high fire danger day across Canterbury because of the windy and hot conditions, which means any new fires will move very quickly and be hard to bring under control. “We have the resources to respond to multiple incidents, but we’re asking everyone to do their part to prevent any more fires starting.”
  • This means avoiding high-risk activities that generate sparks, or waiting until the coolest part of the day.
  • High-risk activities include:
- Using equipment that generate sparks, or where blades can strike a stone and cause a spark (eg welders, grinders, mowers, chainsaws).
- Parking vehicles in long grass – hot exhausts can start a fire

Civil Defence update

  • The weather conditions are expected to change in the next 24 hours which will bring some strong winds to the area. Fire and Emergency New Zealand are preparing for this and have done a lot of work to dampen down hot spots. However, conditions can change quickly.
  • You may see smoke - please don’t be alarmed. We expect some smoke as we continue to fight the fire over the coming days.
  • BUT – if you see smoke or flames in a new place please call 111 and let us know so the Fire and Emergency New Zealand trained dispatchers can assess your information.
  • Be reassured that we are prepared for these winds and firefighters are continuing to dampen down hotspots and reduce the risk of the fire reigniting, but remember too that conditions can change quickly.
  • We encourage you to be aware of the risk and be prepared to act. Both Christchurch City Council and Selwyn District Council are ready to assist if you need help.
  • Going through a disaster or shock like a fire can be distressing, and it’s normal to experience a range of emotions. Whether you're feeling on edge or a bit overwhelmed, there are simple things we can do to look after ourselves and each other. If you would like some extra support or just need someone to talk to, you can call or text 1737 any time and speak to (or text) a trained counsellor free of charge.

FENZ update

  • Overnight drone flights across the Port Hills fireground have identified hotspots that ground crews will be targeting in today’s firefighting operations.
  • Fire and Emergency’s specialist drone crew began their work after sunset last night, and early this morning a helicopter also carrying thermal imaging equipment has flown the full 24km perimeter of the fireground. The thermal images pinpoint areas of extreme heat that could reignite, including many that are not easily spotted from the ground.
  • There are 86 firefighters and other personnel working on the fire today, supported by diggers and bulldozers. Five helicopters are also available.
  • Incident Controller Steve Kennedy says crews are making the most of favourable conditions this morning, as winds are forecast to increase this afternoon and continue tomorrow.
  • The investigation into the cause of the fire is continuing.

Civil Defence update

As we head into the evening, we have an updated map for you of the road status and fire perimeter. A number of the roads that have been closed have restricted access for residents only. Civil Defence Emergency Management Canterbury Group Controller, James Thompson reiterated today “although we can visibly see the improvement in the Port Hills Fire, it is important we don’t become complacent. This fire is still requiring a coordinated effort across multiple agencies and we remain under a State of Emergency.”
Please see Canterbury - Fire and Emergency for the most up to date information on the fire but here are a few key points from them.
  • Firefighters have been working hard today to strengthen containment lines before the wind starts to develop tomorrow.
  • Port Hills residents will notice drone activity over the fireground tonight. Our specialist drone team will be using thermal cameras to pinpoint the location of more hotspots. And at first light a helicopter with thermal imaging will fly around the whole 24km perimeter of the fireground.
  • As we prepare to launch our night drone operation, we remind those who have your own drones not to fly them anywhere near the Port Hills. The airspace over the fireground closed to all aircraft except those involved in the response to the fire. When private drones are reported in the vicinity of a fire, we have to land our helicopters immediately for the safety of the pilots and crew, and everyone on the ground below.

Map current as of 6pm this evening. 

FENZ update

  • Firefighters are working hard to strengthen containment lines before strong winds develop tomorrow.
  • Crews are also putting out hotspots that could flare up in strong winds and cause a larger fire to reignite. Many of the hotspots are in old forestry skid sites, where the fire is deep seated.
  • We expect firefighting will continue around the clock for several days.
  • Port Hills residents will notice drone activity over the fireground tonight. Our specialist drone team will be using thermal cameras to pinpoint the location of more hotspots. And at first light a helicopter with thermal imaging will fly around the whole 24km perimeter of the fireground.
  • As we prepare to launch our night drone operation, we remind those who have your own drones not to fly them anywhere near the Port Hills. The airspace over the fireground closed to all aircraft except those involved in the response to the fire. When private drones are reported in the vicinity of a fire, we have to land our helicopters immediately for the safety of the pilots and crew, and everyone on the ground below.

Port Hills parks/tracks update

Port Hills walking and mountain biking tracks are closed to the public this weekend – this includes Victoria Park (and all its tracks), Huntsbury, Bowenvale and Kennedys Bush.

We have cordons and signage in place.

Some of these tracks are directly impacted by the fire and others are in the vicinity of where fire crews are working. We want to keep everyone safe and we also want to make sure the fire crews can access the fire ground easily.

The only exception to this is Rapaki track which is open, but at the top people can only go east (left), not west (right).

Halswell Quarry is also closed to the public.

Find a map of closures here

Te Hapua Halswell evacuation centre closure

We will be closing the evacuation centre at Te Hapua Halswell Community Centre from 12pm today. With most people now back in their properties, there isn’t such a demand for the space, but we’re ready to open it up again at a moment’s notice, if we need to.

FENZ update

  • Firefighting on the Port Hills will focus on consolidating the perimeter of the fire and extinguishing hotspots today.
  • We are aiming to create a 50 metre wide edge around the whole 24km perimeter of the fireground before stronger winds develop tomorrow.
  • Sixteen crews have taken over from the nightshift, and will be working with diggers and a bulldozer today. Up to seven helicopters will be conducting the air attack.
  • The safety of our crews and the public is still a major consideration for us, as this is an active fireground. We have been able to get almost all the residents home but they know that the fire is not out, and they may have to evacuate again at short notice.
  • Dyers Pass road and other local roads will be busy with fire trucks, tankers and other emergency services vehicles moving between sectors, so please stay away from the whole summit.

Civil Defence update

  • Crews have done an amazing job to strengthen the fire break around the perimeter of the Port Hills fire today which has enabled most evacuated residents to return home.
  • As we head into the weekend, we are asking the public to remember we are in a Prohibited Fire Season so that means a total fire ban is in place. Do not light any fires and please check on any fires you have had in the previous week to ensure that they are fully extinguished.
  • If you see smoke don’t be alarmed as the fire is still burning BUT – if you can actually see smoke or flames in a new place, then please DO call 111 and let us know so the Canterbury- Fire and Emergency New Zealand trained dispatchers can assess your information.
  • Managed access has been enabled for residents that have been evacuated. Please follow the directions of our crews at the access points.
  • Please avoid the Port Hills walking and mountain bike tracks over the weekend. Cordons and signage are in place. This is due to the need for crews to be able to access the fire ground easily and keep everyone safe. Halswell Quarry and Victoria Park also remain closed.
  • This map gives you a current perspective of the fire perimeter and road closures. It is accurate as of 7pm tonight.

  • Please keep updated through this page and other key agencies and have a great weekend.

FENZ update

  • Residents will have controlled access to Worsleys Road up to 358 Worsleys Road from 3pm.
  • The road will only be open to residents - this includes those on foot or cycling. Residents will need to come to the bottom of Worsleys Hill and have their ID to gain access to the road.
  • This means the majority of residents will be back in their homes tonight, with a small number around Summit Road still evacuated.
  • Residents are urged to exercise caution and be aware that firefighting activities will be continuing, with fire trucks frequently passing up and down the road. They should also be prepared to evacuate again at short notice, including having a bag ready to go with clothes, medication or anything else they may need, and a plan for pets and animals.
  • The fire has not grown in size since this morning.
  • Please avoid the Port Hills mountain bike and walking tracks this weekend as our crews will be working around these areas throughout Saturday and Sunday.

Kerbside collection update

The only impact for kerbside collection is Early Valley Road which is still closed. The collection team will collect here once they’re able to access the road.

FENZ update

  • Our crews will continue to focus on strengthening the fire break around the perimeter of the Port Hills fire today.
  • Today there are 95 Fire and Emergency staff on site, alongside 22 trucks and tankers, 12 helicopters, 2 fixed wing aircraft and 5 diggers.
  • The fire has burnt through 650 hectares, with a 14km perimeter. The fire is now 70 per cent contained.
  • Incident Commander Dave Stackhouse says, "Today we are going to hit it hard with a bigger number of firefighters to really focus on strengthening fire breaks. It is still very much an active fire ground with heavy machinery and helicopters at work."
  • "Firefighters are working incredibly hard to get to a position where we can allow residents to return to their homes and get some normality, and this remains our priority."
  • "Today there will be a heavy presence on the Summit Rd and Worsley Spur as crews focus on containing the fire."
  • A reminder to the public Canterbury is an a prohibited fire season and we ask people to be extra careful when engaging in spark or heat generating activities.

Parks update

Update: Halswell Quarry and Victoria Park remain CLOSED to the public - please stay away from the area. 

Rapaki and Huntsbury tracks are also closed to the public - please stay away from the area.

Media briefing 16 February

A media briefing was held at 8.30am today to discuss the latest information on the Port Hills fire:

11:00 am community meeting

Correction: There will be another meeting for residents at the Halswell Community Centre at 11:00am this morning. The community hub will also be open again from 8am at the bottom of Worsleys Road for residents wanting information or needing to arrange access to their homes inside the cordons.

FENZ update

• 28 crews have taken over from the night shift this morning with 15 helicopters dropping water and two fixed wing aircraft laying fire retardant. Heavy machinery is also working to strengthen containment lines.
• Today’s efforts are concentrated on containing the fire as well as the ongoing protection of structures.
• Conditions first thing this morning are favourable for firefighting with no wind on the fireground, and an easterly wind forecast from lunchtime.
• There will be a meeting for residents at the Halswell Community Centre at 11am. Our community hub will be open from 8am at the bottom of Worsleys Road.

Smoke reminder

Some important messages as we wake this morning from Canterbury - Fire and Emergency and Te Whatu Ora ‐ Waitaha Canterbury.
  • The wind changed to a southerly for a period of time overnight so smoke and/or the smell of it, from the Port Hills fire may be more noticeable across the city. We expected this to happen and it does not mean a significant change in the condition of the fire. There is no need to call 111 if you smell smoke in the city. BUT – if you can actually see smoke or flames in a new place then please DO call 111 and let us know so our trained dispatchers can assess your information.
  • The worst close to the location of the fire
  • Better further away from the location of the fire
  • If you’re coughing or short of breath, this is likely because the air quality is poor and the air is smoky or dusty. For people who are sensitive to smoke – such as those with heart or lung conditions, pregnant people, young children and the elderly – coughing and shortness of breath may happen even though the air may not seem very smoky.
  • If you experience symptoms, or are sensitive to smoke, you should stay inside if it is safe to do so, close windows and doors, turn air-conditioning to recirculate, and reduce exercise outdoors. Call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 611 116 if you’re worried about your symptoms. Call 111 for an ambulance if you have trouble breathing, or tightness or heaviness in the chest.
  • The experience of being exposed to an event like a fire can be distressing and it’s normal to feel anxious in situations like this. If you are feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to, you can call or text 1737 any time to talk with a trained counsellor free of charge. Or for health advice contact your GP or call Healthline free, anytime 24x7 on 0800 611 116.
Read the public health warning here

Smoke update for Christchurch

Here’s a message for all the night-owls in Christchurch tonight. The wind has changed to a southerly so smoke from the Port Hills fire is more noticeable across most of the city. We expected this to happen and it does not mean a significant change in the condition of the fire. There is no need to call 111 if you smell smoke in the city. BUT – if you can actually see smoke or flames in a new place then please DO call 111 and let us know so our trained dispatchers can assess your information.

Road closures update

  • Dyers Pass Road between Christchurch and Governors Bay is now open.  Cordons have been lifted at the intersection of Hackthorne Road and Dyers Road and at the bottom of Governors Bay/Dyers Road.
  • Summit Road remains closed west of the Sign of the Kiwi to Gebbies Pass.
  • Resident-only access to Early Valley Road and Hoon Hay Valley Road.  
  • Walkers and cyclist are asked to avoid the Early Valley and Hoon Hay Valley area.
  • View the most up to date road and park closures here

Health and wellbeing support

  • Health workers will onsite tomorrow, 16 February 8.30am-4.30pm at the Halswell evacuation centre at Te Hapua to support the community.

If you need additional support:

  • Free call or free text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day to talk or text with a trained counsellor or peer support worker.
  • The Pegasus Health Mental Health Team is available on 0800 246 099 and can direct you to the right place for additional wellbeing support.
  • Your general practice may have a Health Improvement Practitioner or Health Coach who can talk to you and support you. Often these support workers have same day appointments available.
  • If you are not enrolled or need help accessing health services, contact Tautoko Hauora on 0800 99 22 99.

Civil Defence cordons update

  • Cordons are being shifted in Hoon Hay Valley Rd and Early Valley Rd to the last house on the road. All residents of these roads can return. Property owner ID may be checked. 
  • Residents of Worsley Rd who need urgent access to retrieve items from their home will need to go to the community hub at the corner of Worsley Rd and McVicar Rd before nightfall.
  • We will not grant access after dark.

How you can help

Donations are being accepted by Christchurch City Council to support the people of Christchurch, Selwyn and Banks Peninsula affected by the Port Hills fires.

A donation can be made by bank transfer to the following account:

Account name: Mayors Welfare Call

Account number: 02-0865-0070251-002

All donations will go directly towards supporting people affected by the fire.

FENZ update

  • Firefighting efforts at Christchurch’s Port Hills are continuing as the fire is still not considered contained. The fire size is still sitting at about 630 hectares.
  • There are 27 trucks and 14 helicopters in operation, alongside two fixed wing aircraft dropping retardant. We can assure the public it is safe and nontoxic. Fire and Emergency crews will not drop retardant near waterways, Department of Conservation land or organic farms. If you notice any residue on your or around your property, wash it down with a hose.
  • A community meeting will be held for impacted residents at 7pm at the Te Hāpua Halswell Centre.
  • Dave Stackhouse extended a thank you to the community for their ongoing cooperation. "Thank you to everyone for their offers of support and help. Our firefighters are doing a fantastic and tough job, but they are well catered for"

Civil Defence cordon update

  •  If you've evacuated and need to gain access to your property for essentials only - pets, livestock, medicine - please visit the recovery hub at the bottom of Worsley Road and McVicar Drive to gain access.
  • Escorted access will be undertaken by Canterbury - Fire and Emergency who will assess the current level of risk.
  • Early Valley Road residents who needed access for essentials were escorted through the cordon on Early Valley Road by Fire and Emergency between 12.30-1.30pm.
  • Civil Defence teams are constantly reviewing the situation with our main priority being to keep people safe.
  • Any changes to this information, including additional access to property and staged re-entry, will be updated following the next media standup at 3pm.

FENZ Early Valley resident access update

Fire and Emergency crews, alongside the Selwyn District Council, will escort residents of Early Valley Road to their properties to collect any essential items, and feed or collect animals between 12.30pm and 1.30pm.
Please meet at the Early Valley Road cordon and wait to be escorted.

Road and park closures

View the most up to date road and park closures here

FENZ update

  • Our crews are continuing to work suppress and contain a fire at in the Port Hills. The fire is measuring 630 hectares in size.
  • We currently have 28 appliances, 15 helicopters, two fixed wing aircrafts, two bulldozers and one digger working to bring the fire under control.
  • The fire has now crossed Summit Rd and crews are working hard to contain it. Aircraft are also carrying out retardant drops around Kennedy Bush and Summit Rd.
  • Fire and Emergency personnel have been allowing farmers access to manage their stock this morning.
  • All roadblocks remain in place and people are asked to stay away so emergency services are not delayed in moving in and out of the area.
  • Meanwhile crews have been responding to vegetation fires elsewhere in the Canterbury region.
  • Crews have managed to contain a fire that was threatening structures in Rolleston, Selwyn. Eight trucks are in attendance and are in the process of mopping up.
  • Crews have contained and extinguished a fire that broke out earlier this morning at Glentui in Waimakariri. They have since left the scene.
  • With hot weather and wind forecast for the Canterbury region, Fire and Emergency is reminding the public to be extra vigilant.

Lincoln Event Centre closure

The Lincoln Event Centre is closed. Any evacuated residents can head to the Halswell Community Centre for support.

Victoria Park closure

Victoria Park is now closed, please stay away from the area. 

Community briefing

The next briefing for evacuated residents is at 11am in the Halswell Community Centre, 341 Halswell Road. 

There will be psychological support and food and drink on site. 

Halswell Quarry closure

Halswell Quarry park and public area has been closed, please stay away from the area. 

Metro Canterbury service disruptions

  • Southbound Route 44 services were disrupted earlier due to a termination of a stop, but have now returned to normal.
  • Orbiter services which were disrupted earlier due to congestion are now back to their normal route.
Metro Canterbury will continue to monitor their network and post any further updates on their Facebook.

Waste collection and facilities

Kerbside Collection

  • Christchurch city – Collection taking place as per normal
  • Banks Peninsula – Lyttelton area - Collection taking place as per normal. This will be monitored throughout the day.

Transfer Stations

  • All Transfer Station EcoDrops are open and operating as per normal.

Recycling Plant Facility

  • Operating as per normal.

Organics Plant Facility

  • Operating as per normal.

FENZ update

• There are 23 fire appliances (trucks, tankers etc) 15 helicopters with monsoon buckets and two fixed wing aircraft laying retardant lines working this morning as well as heavy machinery operators.
• Two helicopters will be diverted to a fire around View Hill for a while, supporting six ground crews who are mopping up that fire.
• We've added a couple of photos from earlier this morning, focusing on the great work our heavy machinery operators are doing to create firebreaks. The first shows them at work overnight, the second is Assistant Commander Brian Keown briefing the day shift drivers before they got to work today.

Morning media briefing

View the 7:30am 15 February media briefing here

Latest road closures

For the latest road closures click here

FENZ update

• Helicopters will be back at work at first light, supporting the fresh firefighting crews and heavy machinery.
• Firefighting continued through the night and there were no major break-outs during darkness.
• Today’s priorities will be working on the containment lines and continued structure protection.
• The next briefing for evacuated residents is at 11am in the Halswell Community Centre.
• We will also open a community hub at the bottom of Worsley Rd, open from 8am where residents can come for information and to flag any immediate needs. As well as Fire and Emergency there will also be representatives from Civil Defence, Police and other agencies there.
• Thanks to everyone who has already sent photos to our fire investigation team. If you have images or footage of the Port Hills taken between 1.45pm and 2.45pm yesterday, please email them to with your name and contact details, the exact time you took the photo or footage, and where you were.