28 Feb 2022

Travelling along Ferry Road? Keep an eye out for these distinctive pou which have been installed at either end of Woolston Village.

Featuring carved heads on poles of varying height, the pou were designed in collaboration with Ngāi Tahu carver and artist Fayne Robinson especially for their Woolston Village location.

The three pou at each end of Woolston Village have multiple meanings and represent locally significant sites and the commitment to pass on knowledge from one generation to the next, says Mr Robinson.

“The three pou are at different heights representing three generations and reminding us as kaitiaki to pass mātauranga (knowledge) from generation to generation.

“The sets of three posts are also a reference to palisading or defensive walls, acknowledging the former pā site of Ōpāwaho which is close to Woolston,'' explains Mr Robinson.

The installation of the six pou marks the completion of Christchurch City Council’s multi-million dollar project to upgrade Ferry Road and revitalise Woolston Village.

The work has involved creating mini plazas, wider footpaths, and cycle lanes, as well as safer crossings and landscaping to make the area a more attractive, vibrant place for people to visit.

A new 30km per hour speed limit has also been put in place on Ferry Road between Portman Street and St Anne’s School to make it safer and easier for people to move around Woolston Village.