Christchurch City Council will proceed with some initial transport projects to help manage the traffic changes likely to result from the opening of the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC).

Traffic on Cranford Street.

More traffic is likely to use Cranford and Sherborne streets when the Christchurch Northern Corridor opens.

At its meeting today the Council agreed to proceed with developing a programme of work including intersection upgrades, traffic calming and reduced speed limit areas. Further consultation with the public will be undertaken regarding these work streams.

The projects were recommended in a Downstream Effects Management Plan that was put together by an independent traffic engineer to help mitigate the effects of the increased traffic that will use Cranford Street, south of Innes Road, and some other local roads when the CNC opens next year.

The CNC extends the Northern Motorway through to QEII Drive and Cranford Street and will make travel times in and out of Christchurch shorter.

The Council has also asked staff to investigate and report back to the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee on:

  • The establishment of a park and ride facility near QEII Drive.
  • Pricing mechanisms to manage future traffic demand.
  • The possibility of introducing north and south-bound peak-time bus lanes on Cranford and Sherborne streets.

Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee Chair Pauline Cotter says the work approved today is part of a wider package of transport projects aimed at improving travel to and from northern Christchurch.

“Our aim is to provide people with options for travel that reduce their reliance on cars so that we have less vehicles entering the roading network,’’ says Cr Cotter.

“To that end, Council staff have been working with Environment Canterbury, Waimakariri District Council and the NZ Transport Agency on a range of travel demand management measures.

“These measures include upgrading the bus network to provide express buses and park and ride facilities, introducing high occupancy vehicle lanes to encourage car pooling, and developing our existing cycle network.''

“We want to see those measures in place before the CNC opens next year and we are working closely with our strategic partners to ensure that happens,’’ says Mayor Lianne Dalziel.

“I really want to acknowledge the Papanui-Innes Community Board and the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board for the extraordinary work they have done with their communities, over a long period of time, to reach this point,'' the Mayor says.