Public consultation opens today on two key documents that will help determine Christchurch and Banks Peninsula’s path forward in the coming years.
“Today we are inviting the public to have their say on both the Draft 2021-31 Long Term Plan and the Draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Change Strategy,’’ says Mayor Lianne Dalziel.
“These two documents are critically important as they will help shape how our city grows and develops in the next decade and how we respond to the challenges and opportunities of a changing climate.
“These are issues that will impact on the lives of each and every resident in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula so I really encourage people to get involved in the decision-making process by giving feedback on what we’re proposing,’’ Mayor Dalziel says.
“There are some big decisions to be made so it is important that we get different perspectives on the issues. It is easy for people to give feedback – they can do it online or in writing.
We’ll also be running drop-in sessions over the next few weeks where people can along and ask Council staff and elected members questions that might help in the submission process.’’
Details of those drop-in sessions can be found on Have Your Say.
Feedback on the Draft 2021-31 Long Term Plan can be given until Sunday 18 April, while feedback on the Draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Change Strategy can be given until 24 April.
Give feedback on the Draft 2021-31 Long Term Plan.
Give feedback on the Draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Change Strategy.
Consultation is also opening today on the Council’s Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021.
The policy details the methodology the Council will use to recover a fair share of the cost of providing infrastructure to service growth development from those who benefit from the provision of that infrastructure, such as private developers.
Submissions on the Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021 close on Sunday 18 April.
Give feedback on the Draft Development Contributions Policy.