Recommendations to leave changes on Rolleston Avenue and Park Terrace in place for the five-year Canterbury Museum development have been supported by the Community Board.
The Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board met yesterday, hearing deputations from 36 residents and groups in response to a staff report which included traffic data analysis, independent reports, early stakeholder engagement and the results of the Park Terrace road user survey.
Park Terrace changes:
The Board approved recommendations to have the changes to Rolleston Avenue and Park Terrace in place for the five-year duration of the Canterbury Museum redevelopment.
The recommendations will go to the Council to make a final decision.
“An important part of our decision making was looking at the traffic changes from the perspective of all users – car drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and scooter riders – as well as how this aligns with the Council’s strategic plan,” Community Board Chair Emma Norrish said.
“We also needed to take into account the data provided which shows up to a 10 second increase for car drivers turning from Kilmore Street into Park Terrace.”
“So I was comfortable we had more than enough information to make a fully informed decision supporting the staff recommendations,” Ms Norrish said.
“I want to thank staff for the detailed report, as well as everyone who came and took the time to share with us their experiences and thoughts.”
As part of the Board’s recommendations, the in-lane bus stop on Park Terrace opposite Peterborough Street will be altered to an indented bus stop.
Staff will look at further improvements that could be made at the Armagh Street Bridge entrance after safety concerns were raised in a number of deputations.
They will also continue to brief the Board on the changes, which are in place under a Temporary Traffic Management Plan, annually as the TTMP is reviewed.
Read the full report to the Community Board here.
Rolleston Avenue