Senior students from Ōhinetahi Governors Bay School are doing their bit to adapt to and reduce the impact of climate change.
Student Flynn Lockwood says they are learning about climate change and how they can prepare for and reduce its impacts.
“We’re also learning about future forecasting, to see how much the sea levels could rise in Lyttelton Harbour due to climate change,” Flynn says.
This has included looking at the impacts of rising sea levels on their district and brainstorming ideas about how their community can respond to these changes.
Low-lying coastal and inland communities in Ōtautahi Christchurch and Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula will be affected by rising sea levels and experience increased coastal flooding, erosion, and rising groundwater.
“If we don’t act now, in 50 years our houses might have to move back, our walking tracks might have to close, and the Port could be flooded.”
Student Sasha Harwood says the school has already made positive changes to help reduce their impact on the environment.
“We have already started a climate change club to teach other students at our school about climate change is and how to adapt to it,” Sasha says.
Ōhinetahi School is one of several low lying coastal and inland schools learning about climate change as part of the national ‘Climate change: Prepare today, live well tomorrow’ learning programme, developed by Future Curious Ltd and supported by the Ministry for Education.
The Christchurch City Council has been assisting with its delivery locally including additional lessons to raise awareness and start conversations with communities about the impacts of sea level rise and how we can respond as a city.