Join the movement to support te reo Māori this Māori Language Week.
Māori Language Week 2024 runs from 14 – 21 September and this year’s theme is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language.’ The 2024 theme represents the resilience, adaptability and endurance of te reo Māori, and reflects the commitment to embracing and learning the language long into the future.
There’s plenty of opportunities to get involved in Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024, including events and activities across the Christchurch City Libraries network.
Iti te kupu, nui te kōrero, join us at Riverside on Tuesday 17 September and dive into wharewhare, the competitive world of Bingo.
Look into the fun and competitiveness of the card game Euchre on Saturday’s 14 and 21 September at Linwood Library during Mai Ihutai ki Ūka!
Celebrate the wiki with a surprise movie on Saturday 14 September at Tūranga’s Auaha Hīhī / Spark Place, and join us for Ngā Pakiwaitara/Bilingual Storytimes full of fun, waiata (songs) and laughter on Tuesday 17th at Tūranga’s Wāhi Whānau / Family Place.
Grab a coffee and come along for some Māori language themed games and a chat at Kawhe Reo in Tūranga’s Foundation Café on Monday 16 September.
Learn about and make your own poi or tītī tōrea at one of our special afterschool activity zones at Matatiki Hornby Centre (Monday), Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre (Tuesday), Redwood Library (Tuesday), Upper Riccarton (Wednesday), Spreydon Library (Thursday) and Tūranga’s He Hononga | Connection Space, Ground Floor (Friday).
Help us on our hunt for the top designers and design your own whare during the colouring competition Tuhia Mai tō whare. All entries will be in for the chance to win and see their drawing come to life, pop down to your local library to enter.
All activities and events are free, all welcome. View the full list of events on the Christchurch City Libraries website.