Christchurch and Banks Peninsula residents are being asked to share their views on their neighbourhood, including what they like and dislike about living there.
For the next few weeks, residents are being encouraged to fill-out a short online survey that canvases their views on their community and neighbourhood.
The survey is part of Christchurch City Council’s ongoing Life in Christchurch survey programme.
“The connections that people make at the neighbourhood and community level are very important so we want to learn more about how people interact with their communities and what they like and dislike about where they live,’’ says Council General Manager, Citizens and Community, Mary Richardson.
“The feedback we get through this survey will help us ensure we are providing the right kind of support to communities and will help inform Council decision-making, so I encourage people to take a few minutes to complete the survey,’’ Ms Richardson says.
In addition to asking people questions about their neighbourhood and their connections to their community, the survey also delves into accessibility issues and whether people have experienced, or witnessed, discrimination.
“We are committed to making Christchurch an inclusive city where everyone feels welcome. In order to achieve that, we first need to have a good understanding of the barriers and issues that people in our communities are facing.
“This survey will help us build that picture so we can then begin work on removing the barriers that are stopping people from feeling valued members of our community,’’ Ms Richardson says.