The EcoDrop transfer stations at Parkhouse Road, Bromley and Styx Mill will be reopen to the public when the country moves to alert level three on Tuesday 28 April.
To book, simply click on this link and follow the instructions on the website you are directed to.
You will need to provide information including:
Payment will be made at the time of visit and must be contactless method (EFTPOS/credit card only). No cash or cheque transactions will be accepted.
Account holders do not require bookings. However, please note there are likely to be delays during busy periods.
If you don’t have internet access, please call us on 03 941 8999 and we can assist you with making a booking.
Residents will be able to drop off rubbish, greenwaste, hazardous items and select recycling.
“We know that many people have used the lockdown period to tidy up their gardens and clean out their garages. So we are keen to get the transfer stations opennd help people to dispose of this material properly,” says Christchurch City Council Resource Recovery Manager Ross Trotter.
However, there will be strict controls around the management of the stations, with people needing a booking to drop off their material.
“The booking system will allow these sites to operate with appropriate social distancing and contact tracing under Alert Level 3,’’ says MrTrotter.
Because contact will be limited during alert level three, only materials which can be safely unloaded by the driver will be accepted.
Under alert level three, recycling will be limited and reusable items will not be accepted. This is because the EcoShop is not reopening under alert level three and there is not enough space to store these items.
Items that you will be able to recycle at the EcoDrop include:
“Barry’s Bay transfer station will reopen on Tuesday 28 April from 9am-4pm. Normal winter hours (12pm-4pm Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday) will resume after that. Recycling must be clean. Physical distancing rules will apply.