Christchurch and Banks Peninsula’s transfer stations will operate as normal under COVID-19 Alert Level 2.
That means people will be able to drop off rubbish, greenwaste and recycling and household hazard waste without a booking from Thursday 14 May.
The transfer stations have been operating under Alert Level 3 but people wanting to access them have needed to make a booking.
“Under Alert Level 2 the transfer stations at Parkhouse Road, Bromley and Styx Mill will all be open from 7am to 4.30pm seven days a week and no bookings will be required,’’ says Christchurch City Council Resource Recovery Manager Ross Trotter.
The Barry’s Bay transfer station on Bank Peninsula will also be operating with its usual winter hours.
“Due to the ongoing risk of COVID-19, we do ask that people using the transfer stations be mindful of the physical distancing requirements that are still in place,’’ Mr Trotter says.
"Under Alert Level 2 our kerbside collection service will be running as normal. Please continue to put your bins out on your usual collection day and, where possible, space them 50 cm apart and away from parked cars.
“Recycling is being processed again, so please ensure you are only putting the correct items into the yellow bin.''
You can check what items can be recycled at ccc.govt.nz/recycling.
"The EcoShop on Blenheim Road will reopen under Alert Level 2’’ Mr Trotter says.