An update report regarding the insurance process for the Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant has been provided to Councillors today.
This report contains all the information that can be released at this stage to keep the public informed without prejudicing our ongoing insurance claim or disclosing confidential commercial arrangements.
The report will be considered at the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on Wednesday 28 February.
The report confirms that design work to restore the trickling filters is underway.
“The Council is proceeding with the concept design for the restoration of the trickling filters.”
“This design work for the restoration of the trickling filters is progressing well and is due to be complete within the next two months. The implications for our insurance claim will be reported to and overseen by the Insurance Subcommittee.”
The Council has sufficient insurance to cover the costs of restoring the trickling filters and further insurance to cover the additional costs of operating the Plant.
Council continues to work productively with its insurers, and it is not anticipated the insurance claim will affect progressing the restoration of the trickling filters.