Safety improvements are being proposed for the Travis Road, Bower Avenue and Rookwood Avenue roundabout following concerns raised by the community.
Feedback has opened on proposed plans for the intersection, which include adding speed humps on each approach lane and low concrete buildouts to narrow the road and slow vehicles down when travelling towards the roundabout.
“We heard from public consultation on Council’s Safe Speed Neighbourhood programme in 2022 that there was a need to make the roundabout safer for all users, particularly at school times,” says Transport Operations Manager Stephen Wright.
“This very busy roundabout is accessed by all road users, including people driving, cycling and walking, getting to and from Shirley Boys’ and Avonside Girls’ High Schools, the Taiora QEII Recreation and Sport Centre and the New Brighton township.
“There have been thirteen crashes at this roundabout over the last five years, involving all modes of transport. These proposed upgrades will help people feel safer when using the street to walk, bike or scooter to parks, schools and shops.”
As part of the upgrades, the left-turn lane on Travis Road to Bower Avenue would be removed to increase the footpath width. This will help to cater for the large number of pedestrians who use the intersection before and after school.
Sharrow markings will be put in place to guide people cycling to take the whole lane when riding through the roundabout.
It is also proposed that larger pedestrian refuge islands will be added where the current flush medians are positioned. This will help to slow traffic down and allow more people to cross the road safely during peak times.
“The proposed plans are designed to ensure everyone can get where they are going safely. We’ve taken vulnerable road users – including children, the elderly and those with visual or mobility challenges – into consideration,” says Mr Wright.
“We’re encouraging people to share their thoughts with us on these proposed changes.”
Following this public consultation, submissions will be considered by the Waitai Coastal-Burwod-Linwood Community Board. The Board will then decide whether to go ahead with the planned improvements.
View the full proposal and give feedback by 5 December 2023.