Transport options  |  15 Oct 2021

All design options considered for the Wheels to Wings Papanui ki Waiwhetū cycleway will be on display as part of three public information days in October.

The information days follow on from consultation earlier this year on an initial design for the cycleway. They were originally scheduled to take place in September, but had to be delayed because of the shift in COVID-19 alert levels.

Christchurch City Council Acting Head of Transport Lynette Ellis says the Council received 1348 submissions during the consultation period, many of them highly detailed and very well thought out.

“We heard wide ranging views from local residents and businesses about their concerns and desires for their neighbourhoods. We’re finding ways to fit more parking in around businesses, improve local access and address congestion concerns through our design work,’’ Ms Ellis says.

A summary of that feedback received, along with Council’s response, will be displayed at the information days.

“I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to submit feedback on the initial design. Public input always helps us to improve the design of our cycleways,’’ Ms Ellis says.

Over the past few months Council staff have been analysing the submissions, continuing to meet with businesses and submitters, and looking at design options to address as many of the issues raised as possible.

The Wheels to Wings cycleway aims to provide a safe cycling route for people travelling through Papanui, Bishopdale, Harewood and in the airport area. About 7000 people work at the airport campus and the airport has reported that there is strong demand for safe cycling routes. It also provides benefits to the wider community through additional crossings for pedestrians and safety improvements at intersections.

This cycleway is part of a network of cycleways that is being constructed to make it safer and easier to bike around Christchurch. Cycle numbers are continuing to grow as more routes connect different parts of the city.

“The public information days are an opportunity to discuss the feedback from consultation, share the design work we’ve been doing and for people to provide feedback on the additional work we've done,” says Ms Ellis. “We’ll display all of the options we’ve considered including our preferred design that has incorporated the feedback we received.”

“The extra information will also help people to prepare their comments to the Hearings Panel who will make a recommendation to the Council.”

The information days will be held at the former Ara campus building in Bishopdale Mall on:

  • Wednesday 27 October, 12pm to 7pm
  • Thursday 28 October, 12pm to 7pm
  • Friday 29 October, 9am to 3pm

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we’re asking people to book a time to attend the community information days on the Wheels to Wings web page. For those who are unable to attend the information days, the information that will be displayed will also be available on the same web page from Wednesday 27 October.

What happens next?

  • On 21 October a Hearings Panel comprising of Mayor Lianne Dalziel, Councillors Aaron Keown and Mike Davidson and Community Board members Jason Middlemiss and Emma Norrish will be briefed on the design options for the cycleway. You can watch this briefing via the Council’s live-stream.
  • On 27, 28 and 29 October the community information days will be held.
  • On 2 December the Waimāero/Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood and Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Boards will hold a joint workshop. They will be presented with all the information about the different design options and also be briefed on the feedback received during the community information days and further engagement.
  • In early 2022 the Hearings Panel will formally convene to listen to submitters feedback before making a final recommendation to the Urban Development and Transport Committee on the Wheels to Wings Cycleway.