Work has begun at Parklands Library to make sure it can stay open to visitors.
Christchurch City Council is undertaking strengthening work to bring the building to around 50% of the New Building Standard (NBS). A recent assessment found that it was below the 34% threshold needed for a building to be considered not earthquake-prone.
However, Parklands Library remains fit to occupy, according to advice from independent chartered professional engineers.
“The more flexible timber and steel frame construction of the Parklands building increases the resilience in the event of an earthquake, and there are no hazards like unreinforced masonry,” says Carolyn Robertson, Head of Libraries and Information.
“While we were preparing for some planned work, the team at Parklands noted that some of the exterior structural elements of the building showed signs of deterioration. An engineering assessment found some elements of the building to be below 34% NBS.
“The most recent evaluation in 2013 found the building to be 62% NBS. However, in the decade since, the building has aged naturally and the standards have changed, which have contributed to this new assessment,” Mrs Robertson says.
“Fortunately, the work to remediate isn’t too complex, and won’t be too disruptive to customers – we were able to start straight away, and we expect to have the temporary reinforcement completed by Thursday 27 February.”
A building is considered ‘earthquake-prone’ if it fails to meet at least 34% of the current New Building Standard (NBS) and that if it were to collapse in the event of a moderate earthquake, it would cause injury or death, or damage to any other property.
Current legislation allows for buildings to be used while they're being repaired and strengthened. A number of buildings around Christchurch have remained open while below 34% while owners have awaited repairs.
“The remediation will involve installing new anchor rods to the steel portal frames, adding some extra temporary vertical propping to the external timber frame, and adding bracing to some high windows,” Mrs Robertson says.
“We’ll also continue to assess the building as we explore more permanent repairs.”