Dogs  |  25 Jun 2024

Adopting an 11-year-old greyhound from the Council’s Animal Shelter wasn’t always on the cards for Anna Farge.

But she says her new pooch completed the missing piece of the puzzle.

Lady after a bath from her new owners

Anna’s family of six (including her Jack Russell, Jake) grew by one last week as they welcomed the playful, energetic and older dog ‘Lady’ with open arms.

“I came across Lady on the Council’s Facebook page, and her age was never an issue - as soon as I saw her face I knew there was something very special about her,” Anna says.

“I chatted to the shelter over the phone then went in with the kids and Jake to meet her - she was just what our family was missing.

“She came up to us with a wagging tail, socialising with Jake straight away and even giving my 16-month-old kisses in his pram. We took her home the next day!”

Anna says she wasn’t even looking for a new dog, “I just wanted to give Lady the best last years of her life with a family that loves her.

“It’s not how long you have a dog that matters, it’s how long the dog has you.”

Greyhounds are nothing new for Anna, after losing her 13-year-old greyhound last year and spending plenty of time around her mum’s pack.

“I hadn’t imagined I’d end up at the pound, but the team there were fantastic with everything they did,” Anna says.

“And Lady has settled in like a dream - jumping straight onto the couch and bed and making herself at home!”

Lady relaxing at her new home

Animal Services Manager Lionel Bridger says the shelter team does everything within their power to make sure dogs are rehomed to caring owners and urges anyone looking to adopt to get in touch.

“We want all our dogs to end up as lucky as Lady, and we’re always looking for loving owners to take a new pooch in. So please, give us a call,” Mr Bridger says.

If you’re looking to adopt a dog, please call the shelter on 03 941 7048, or visit them at 10 Metro Place.