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Showing 1 - 10 of 23 for Planning for the future

Council adopts plan for growth

11 Jul 2019

The Christchurch City Council has adopted a plan for city growth – Our Space 2018-2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update Whakahāngai O Te Hō Nohoanga.

Mayor comments on Government’s water reform reports

2 Jun 2021

Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel has acknowledged the release today of four reports on the Government’s Three Waters Reform Programme.

A look at Christchurch’s priority projects

14 Nov 2023

Councillors have had their first in-depth look at what infrastructure and facilities Christchurch might be investing in over the next decade.

Grant to support home energy savings

1 Jun 2022

A project to help low and fixed income households reduce their energy bills will benefit from a $49,763 Sustainability Fund grant.

Find out all about your local projects

16 Mar 2023

If you’re wondering about the projects happening in your neighbourhood, Christchurch City Council’s online budget tool has been updated to show how much money is proposed, and when the work is scheduled.

Last days to share ‘What Matters Most?’

11 Aug 2023

The community has three days to help set the agenda for the coming decade as Christchurch City Council develops its next Long Term Plan.

Creating a brighter future for the Heathcote River

14 Jun 2021

Community concern over the health of the Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote River is driving the development of a new guidance plan.

Green light for two Christchurch initiatives

8 Jul 2019

Christchurch City Council has won local government support for two initiatives, one relating to short-term accommodation providers and the other to the health effects of nitrates in water.

Draft plan for Christchurch’s Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor

11 Mar 2019

A draft regeneration plan for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor has been sent to the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration, the Hon Dr Megan Woods, for consideration.

Templeton land eyed as potential cemetery site

24 May 2019

Christchurch City Council is investigating the possibility of using some of the land it owns in Templeton for a new cemetery.